Sewing Princess on Burda Spain

Sewing Princess on Burda April 2013

Look my dress got selected to be on Burda Spain April issue! And they managed to misspell my blog name…they must have thought Sewig is my last name…oh well you can’t have it all.

(Sorry for the low quality picture…it’s a scan from the magazine)
burda España 04-13 - Lo hice yo Not long ago I discovered that Burda Spain and Burda Germany run a monthly reader competition. You can send them the picture of a garment you made from their patterns and hope to be selected. The winner gets a nice box of Coats threads. Above are all the finalists and the winner…the fabulous Peplum top (it´s still on my to do list after my fitting issues)

Though I may sound very cheesy, to me Burda means sewing…I grew up flicking through the issues my mom bought. So I was beyond excited when the picture made it to the magazine…just please don´t call me Silvia Sewig 🙂

If you follow Burda on Facebook you can find out about competitions…and you don’t need to live in the country to join (I don’t know if they would send the prize though).


14 thoughts on “Sewing Princess on Burda Spain

  1. Congratulations! How cool, especially since Burda is so significant in your sewing.
    The name mistake is funny because I saw it and thought, hm, I wouldn’t have guessed that would be her last name. and indeed it’s not 🙂 !


  2. Felicitaciones Silvia (y no te preocupes que no cometo errores con tu nombre!). Ese vestido te quedo realmente perfecto y por eso no me asombra que seas finalista del concurso. Sabes que nunca he visto una revista Burda en Canadá? Cuando regrese a Toronto voy a buscar en las tiendas de revistas internacionales.


  3. Felicidades Silvia!! Estamos juntitas en la misma revista y me alegré un montón de encontrar algunas caras conocidas, tu vestido es genial y está en mi lista de deseos todavía. Estás guapísima!


  4. Wow! How exciting! Congratulations 🙂 You look really lovely in your dress, I’m not surprised they picked your picture to go in the magazine!


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