Happy 2014! First project of the year!

Happy new year 2014

How was your New Year’s Eve? Big parties, fireworks, a family gathering or just some great crafting time?
Whatever you did, I’d like to wish you a happy and healthy 2014!

We had a small family gathering with way too much food…if that wasn’t enough we just got done eating lunch at 3pm today…I’ve been eating non-stop for the past…ok, let’s not count!

Remember the cute embroidered 2014 Year in Stitches calendar by Heather Lins? I thought it would be a great little project to start the year…

You can see more pictures from these holidays on my Twitter account

Come è andato il Capodanno? Grandi festeggiamenti, fuochi d’artificio, una cena in famiglia o avete passato il tempo a creare qualcosa?
Ad ogni modo, voglio augurarvi un felice e prospero 2014!

Noi siamo stati in famiglia e abbiamo mangiato troppo…e abbiamo appena finito di pranzare anche oggi alle 3…Ho mangiato senza sosta da…ok, meglio non contare!

Vi ricordate il carinissimo calendario 2014 dal ricamare di Heather Lins? Ho pensato fosse il modo perfetto di cominciare a creare nel nuovo anno…

Potete vedere le altre foto di questi giorni sul mio account Twitter

4 thoughts on “Happy 2014! First project of the year!

  1. Oooh, your calendar is adorable and for sure a great first project for 2014. Happy new year to you and your family Silvia! I got a cold a few days before new year’s even so, being the super rocking partier that I am, I was in bed by 10:00 pm. Not a big deal though because I woke up feeling much better on new year’s day and got a bunch of sewing done – the perfect start to a new year.


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