La Mia Boutique 06/2015 Review/Recensione

As summer approaches so do summer patterns…and La Mia Boutique being Italian…well, summer is mostly about going to the beach in August (ok this maybe an over-simplification but you get the point 😉
The dress on the cover seems a nice pattern…pity for pairing with pink lace. I would see it working much better in a black solid slightly firm fabric

Con l’arrivo dell’estate ecco i cartamodelli per la stagione…e ovviamente in Italia estate fa rima con mare ad Agosto (ok, probabilmente sto generalizzando…ma spero mi capiate 😉
Il vestito della copertina sembra interessante…peccato per il pizzo rosa. Avrei preferito una stoffa nera con una consistenza maggiore.

Next up is a beach coverup…I like the color choice. The pattern is a classic with pleated front and back, and could also double as a shirt.
Ecco un prendisole…mi piace il colore. Il modello e’ un classico con pieghe sul davanti e dietro…potrebbe anche essere usato come camicia.

Swim suits…I find the style a bit dated…I am sure it’s the current collection but I would have preferred to see something from Banana Moon or Calzedonia
Costumi… trovo lo stile un po’ antiquato anche se sono certa sia una collezione attuale…avrei preferito un modello di Banana Moon o Calzedonia

Next up is another cover-up…a classic pattern I would say.
Un altro prendisole…un altro classico
This top is made from viscose jersey. I like it….but I am worried it would be hard to achieve the same band look at home. To me it looks like the original pattern is knitted out of one piece.
Questa blusa e’ in jersey di viscosa. Mi piace ma credo sarebbe difficile riprodurlo a casa. Mi sembra che il modello originale sia tessuto in un unico pezzo.

I would consider this pattern more a coat than a dress. The line drawings are nice, actually, and look stylish even on such a busy print. It’s perhaps one of the patterns I like the most from this issue.
Questo modello mi sembra uno spolverino piu’ che un vestito. Il disegno tecnico sembra interessante e lo fanno sembrare bello anche con una fantasia cosi’ impegnativa. Forse e’ uno dei modelli che preferisco

Shirts pattern are always a winner on La Mia Boutique…. Though I would remove the joke and pockets, and change fabric I am tempted. By the way, if you prefer to add a back pleat you are offered a pattern variation (La variante in Italian)
Le camicie su La Mia Boutique sono sempre una sicurezza…Anche se eliminerei le tasche e gli sproni, e cambierei la stoffa ci farei un pensierino. A proposito, se la preferite con fondo piega c’e’ anche la variante..

To close off two patterns designed exclusively for La Mia Boutique. The prints are pretty daring…that aside I like them both. I would personally remove the collar from the top and make the keyhole less deep so as to wear a bra.
E per finire due modelli disegnati in esclusiva per La Mia Boutique. Le fantasie sono molto forti…a parte questo mi piacciono. Eliminerei il colletto dal top e accorcerei l’apertura a goccia per non far vedere il reggiseno.

Last but not least…I was very excited to see a short article on our Italian Sewing Meetup…let’s hope it will help us fuel interest in sewing across the country!
E per finire…Ho fatto I salti di gioia quando ho visto il trafiletto sul nostro incontro di cucito…speriamo aiuti altre persone ad avvicinarsi al cucito in Italia.

sewingprincess-LaMiaBoutique-0615pattern-list_smClick on the image to enlarge / Cliccare sulla foto per visualizzarla in dimensioni piu’ grandi

If I had to give an overall opinion on this issue…I must say…I’ve seen better issues. Looking forward to seeing the next one!

Se dovessi dare un giudizio complessivo su questo numero…direi…ne ho visti di migliori.
Attendo con impazienza il prossimo!

12 thoughts on “La Mia Boutique 06/2015 Review/Recensione

  1. The dress on the cover looks fun, I might be tempted to try that one, but other than that … meh. The shirt is a decent basic, particularly “la variante” without the silly front yokes, but I have way more shirt patterns than I need already. Overall not impressed this time, I must say.
    Thank you for doing the reviews, however, Silvia! You know I love reading them! (:


  2. ahahah.., già solo per l’articolo con la nostra foto questo numero è da comprare!!! 😉
    Ci sono un paio di modelli che mi piacciono mi sembrano di facile realizzazione ma che come te modificherei in qualche dettaglio! Grazie per la recensione. Ti abbraccio 🙂


    1. Benvenuta Lisa! Mi fa sempre piacere di conoscere nuove appassionate del cucito. La blusa rossa e’ davvero versatile, si puo’ realizzare in tanti colori…e volendo anche personalizzare con decorazioni 😉 Grazie per essere passata.


  3. Hey….look at you in print! Congratulations! This edition makes me want to slap the stylist!!!!! There are some good basic styles in this that are completely obscured by questionable fabric choices and styling. Not an original complaint about Lmb at all, but I do wish they’d up their game. The cover dress in midnight blue would be a fabulous alternative toa little black dress.


    1. absolutely…the main issue is that they don’t create garments themselves but are ‘stuck’ with what a brand offers them. That said… I would choose differently. I like the idea of using blue for the dress…for some reason it’s a color I don’t think about much, will keep it in mind from now on!


      1. That’s interesting…I hadn’t realised that they didn’t make the garments themselves. That explains a lot! 😉
        I love blue for more formal wear. It’s still sophisticated but a little softer than black.


  4. I’d love to be able to get that issue here in Bangkok. They only offer Burda, who haven’t been offering anything as great as this magazine you just reviewed.
    Guess we all want what we can’t have.


  5. How awesome to have your blogger meet-up included in the issue! Great visibility! Thank you for sharing some of the designs from this issue. A couple of things were ok, but perhaps the fabric choices were off and didn’t really highlight the designs very much. I think the cover dress is very interesting, though!


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