Meeting La Mia Boutique staff and my day at Creattiva Crafts Fair (Bergamo)


Crafts fair season is here…at least one positive thing about Fall!

Yesterday I spent the day at Creattiva Crafts Fair in Bergamo. It was my first time there so I was really eager to go. I even got up early to make the most out of my day! Pity I was not the only one thinking that…the traffic jam when I got off the highway got me really frustrated…I was about to turn around my car and drive back…but after a two-hour drive it seemed like a waste. Even shared my frustration on Twitter.

Parking my car further away to get out of traffic meant I had to wait for the shuttle to get there. By the time I got my ticket it was noon!

Bergamo fiera creattiva

But once I was inside my motivation and enthusiasm were back! How can you resist nearly 300 exhibitors sharing so many lovely products?

I finally saw oilcloth for real! It looks like modern quilting cottons are slowing conquering the Italian market. That was nice to see.

Creattiva 2013

The fair was not exclusively about sewing. In fact, Creattiva is an handmade fair so there was everything you could think of…this is the list from the website

Embroidery– Quilting – Needlework – Dècoupage – Craft – Stitchery – Cross-sticthing – Ceramica – Trompe l’oeil – Stencil – Twist-art – Stamping – Soft glass – Wood paiting – Felting – Beaux Arts – Painiting – Painting on ceramic – Candle making – Country furniture and accessories– Jewelry – Marble, straw woodwork  – Soap making – Fresco technique – Games – Miniature – Dolls – Bricolage – Tecniche per l’utilizzo di utensili manuali, meccanici e elettrici – Cucina creativa – Wood work – Flower arrangements supplies/courses.

There were loads of courses you could take, crafty publications and sewing machine brands like Bernina and Brother.

Apparently the hip sectors in Italy right now are Cake design, Shabby chic furniture painting, jewelry making, knitting, felt and quilting.

The large amount of exhibitors always overwhelms me…I start looking around everywhere. To avoid that I focused on supplies and stands that covered sewing and knitting…otherwise there’s  too much to take in.

By far, the part I enjoyed the most was speaking to vendors and meeting people.

Supercut: a new store is here


First up was Marine from Supercut a newly opened online shop…the first one of this kind in Italy. Yeah!  We have been in contact for some time via email and it was lovely to meet her. Not to mention I am super excited about her Merchant and Mills and bias binding selection. Though her website is currently only in Italian, she plans to translate it to English and French very soon.  If you find any products you like and need help don’t hesitate to contact her…not only does she speak many languages but she is a very kind person too. And I was so busy talking to her that I forgot to take a picture!

Meeting La Mia Boutique staff

La mia boutique staff

I was also over the moon to meet La Mia Boutique staff (the lighting was very hard to shoot in and I was only carrying a small camera). One thing is flicking through a magazine, but a totally different feeling is when you put a face to the people who make the magazine come to life every month. Not only were the Managing Editor and the Assistant Editor there, but also their lead pattern-maker, the editor-in-chief and one of their child models.

They were really welcoming and kind to me. When I went to meet them I didn’t know what to expect. They listened to my feedback very eagerly and were very happy about all the interest you’ve been having in the magazine. For me, it was very interesting to learn how much work goes into every publication, how many people are involved. It was really a great experience for me.

La mia boutique staff 2

The lead pattern-maker is wearing the Martino Midali necklace from September issue I so want to make it now…and it´s not only because I saw her grey version 😉 I am thinking I could ask if they would allow me to share the instructions on the blog if you’re interested.

They had organised a course to explain beginners how to trace their patterns which I found useful…I could have certainly used a course like that when I first started to sew.

Of course, I had to ask about the lack of male models in the magazine. I know I probably should have kept my mouth shut…but I kept my fingers crossed they wouldn’t take it wrongly. And they didn’t (phew!) Surprisingly, I was explained that several of their readers explicitly asked them to display those garments on a dress form instead of using a real-life model. The readers told them they can’t really judge a pattern from a model because of the different human body shapes.

Never in my life would I have guessed that! I would still prefer to see a male model, but now I know that with so many readers out there…you have to make tough decisions sometimes.

They also told me there will be some lingerie patterns soon as well as some exciting dress patterns in their December issue to get us ready for the holiday period.

Crafty purchases

I am happy to report I didn’t buy any fabric!

I did however treat myself to a large 24×36 (60×90) Olfa cutting mat and a new Bernina seam ripper after misplacing my previous one. Boy, I thought seam rippers are all the same, but after trying two different cheap ones I went back to Bernina (for the record it cost me 3.50 Euros/3 GBP/4.75 USD)

thimble cabana de pusy
(c) cabaña de pusy

I also didn’t resist when I saw a lovely hand-painted thimble brooch by Spanish store La Cabaña de Pusy They had many more cute kits, wooden buttons and accessories…hard to resist.

la cabaña de pusy

All in all it was a fantastic day, despite the massive crowd and line to grab something to eat (next time I´ll take my own)…I would have loved more garment sewing vendors but perhaps people are more interested in other crafts.

Do you enjoy going to crafts fair or do you prefer to avoid the crowds?

Italian Version/Versione italiana

E’  arrivata la stagione delle fiere creative…almeno una cosa positiva c’e’ nell´arrivo dell´autunno.

Sabato sono stata a Creattiva a Bergamo. Era la prima volta che ci andavo e non vedevo l’ora di farlo. Mi sono anche svegliata presto per approfittare della giornata! Purtroppo non sono stata la sola ad avere questa idea geniale… la coda all’uscita del casello era davvero snervante…stavo quasi per fare dietro front…ma dopo due ore di viaggio non mi e’ sembrata una buona idea.

La frustrazione era tale che su Twitter ho scritto: Bloccata nel traffico per la fiera creativa. O la gente si annoia a casa o c’e’ un boom di creativita’

Per evitare di rimanere ancora nel traffico ho parcheggiato la macchina piu’ lontano. Ma poi ho dovuto aspettare la navetta. Era mezzogiorno quando sono finalmente entrata.

Ma appena varcata la soglia ero di nuovo piena di entusiamo. Come resistere a quasi 300 espositori con tanti fantastici prodotti?

Sembra che le stoffe per patchwork moderne stiano finalmente arrivando anche in Italia. E ho finalmente potuto toccare il famoso oilcloth…quella stoffa lucida che con cui sono fatti gli impermeabili e borse nella foto sopra.

Creattiva non e’ solo una fiera di cucito, ma copre le varie arti manuali. Questa e’ la lista dal sito

Ricamo – Patchwork – Lavori d’ago – Dècoupage – Craft – Stitchery – Punto croce – Ceramica – Trompe l’oeil – Stencil – Twist-art – Stamping – Soft glass- Oggetti country – Feltro – Belle arti – Sospeso trasparente – Pittura – Decorazione ceramica – Candele – Arredo Country – Perline bigiotteria e accessori – Lavorazione marmo, legno e paglia – Saponi – Effetto affresco – Giochi – Miniature – Bambole – Didattica per l’infanzia – Bricolage – Tecniche per l’utilizzo di utensili manuali, meccanici e elettrici – Cucina creativa – Lavorazione legno – Composizioni floreali

Si potevano anche seguire corsi, acquistare riviste creative e provare macchine da cucire come Bernina e Brother.

Per evitare di guardare dappertutto e perdermi tra tutti gli stand, ho deciso di concentrarmi sul cucito e la maglia…altrimenti sarebbe stato troppo.

Sicuramente la parte piu´ interessante della fiera per me e´ stata parlare con gli espositori e incontrare le persone.

Supercut: il primo negozio online di tessuti e merceria ‘nuova generazione’

Ho finalmente conosciuto Marine di Supercut  il primo negozio online italiano di articoli per cucito moderni. Yuppie! Eravamo in contatto da un po’ via email e sono stata davvero contenta di incontrarla di persona. Grazie al suo negozio e’ finalmente possibile comprare in Italia i prodotti di Merchant and Mills e degli sbiechi davvero originali.

Se avete qualsiasi domanda contattatela pure, e’ davvero molto gentile! Purtroppo ero talmente occupata a chiacchierare che ho dimenticato di fare una foto per immortalare l’incontro.

Incontro con lo staff de La Mia Boutique

Non stavo piu’ nella pelle quando ho incontrato il personale de La Mia Boutique (era difficile fare belle foto a causa della luce e della mia piccola fotocamera). Una cosa e’ sfogliare una rivista, tutt’altra e’ conoscere le persone che mese dopo mese creano la rivista. Non c’erano solo la Direttrice resposabile e l’Assistente ma anche la capo modellista, il capo redattore e una delle modelle dei capi per ragazzi.

La loro accoglienza e’ stata davvero fantastica. Prima di andare non sapevo come sarebbe andata. Sono stati davvero molto gentili, hanno ascoltato i miei commenti e mi hanno detto di essere molto contenti dell’interesse che dimostrate  nei confronti della rivista. E’ stato davvero interessante scoprire tutto il lavoro che c’e’ dietro la rivista e il numeor di perosne coinvolte. E’ stata davvero una bella esperienza.

La capo modellista indossa la collana di Martino Midali del numero di settembre. Non vedo l’ora di farla anch’io…e non soltanto perche’ e’ grigia 🙂 Magari potrei provare a chiedere se potrei condividere le istruzioni per farla, se vi piace.

Avevano organizzato dei corsi per spiegare come tracciare i loro cartamodelli. Mi sarebbe davvero stato utile seguire un corso del genere quando ho cominciato a cucire.

Non ho resistito e ho chiesto perche’ non usino dei veri modelli per gli abiti da uomo. So che avrei dovuto star zitta…ma ho incrociato le dita sperando che non se la prendessero. Per fortuna l’hanno presa bene (phew!) Mi hanno spiegato che molte lettrici hanno chiesto esplicitamente di usare dei manichini perche’ cosi’ vedono meglio il modello.

Non ci avrei mai pensato! Io continuo a preferire i modelli in carne ed ossa ma ora so che con tanti lettori la’ fuori a volte si devono prendere decisioni che potrebbero sembrare controcorrente.

Mi hanno anticipato che nei prossimi numeri ci saranno modelli per capi intimi e dei vestiti per Capodanno.

Acquisti creativi

Non ci crederete ma non ho comprato stoffa!

Pero’ mi sono regalata un piano da taglio gigante della Olfa (60×90) e un nuovo levapunti Bernina dopo aver perso il mio. Caspita, pensavo che i levapunti fossero tutti uguali ma dopo averne comprati due economici sono tornata a quello Bernina che mi e’ costato 3,5 euro.

Non ho resistito e ho comprato una spilletta dipinta a mano a forma di ditale da un negozio spagnolo che si chiama La Cabaña de Pusy Avevano tanti kit, bottoni dipinti a mano e accessori davvero carini.

Ho passato davvero una bella giornata nonostante ci fossero davvero tante persone e la fila per mangiare fosse interminabile (la prossima volta portero’ un panino da casa)…Mi sarebbe davvero piaciuto se ci fossero stati piu’ stand per il cucito di abiti ma capisco che forse alla gente interessa altro.

A voi piace andare alle fiere o preferite evitare la folla?


8 thoughts on “Meeting La Mia Boutique staff and my day at Creattiva Crafts Fair (Bergamo)

  1. To me this looks like such a cool day! What can be better than meeting with creators in person and talking to them? Much more effective way than emails or comment. I would love to know how to make this necklace, so please share it on your blog!


  2. Qué guay encontrarte con las de Mia boutique!! Se ve que lo pasaste genial!
    Este verano también estuve en Bergamo, pero no pude visitar la ciudad a fondo, porque llovió un montón…hizo un día gris tristísimo!


  3. Looks like a fun day out! Here in Bilbao there is a crafts fair too, and I went last year, but almost everything was about quilting and scrapbooking and jewelry making… Maybe I should check out the fairs in Barcelona and Madrid… Any excuse to visit those cities is fine for me…


  4. It seems to me that you were awfully restrained in your purchases – what a good girl! Must have been fun meeting the people from La Mia Boutique. If they let you publish the instructions for that necklace, I would be all over that. For me, craft fairs can be a lot of fun but I have to psyche myself to deal with the crowds which can overwhelm me if I’m not mentally prepared.


  5. Hahaha-nice! Looks like it was worth the traffic-battle!
    I, too, would prefer the clothes on actual human beings rather than dummies! Also, I went to craft fair over the weekend with Jenny and a friend of hers. It was quite fun. And, yes please for a ‘how to’ on making that gorgeous necklace!


  6. Argh. Traffic is so frustrating! I enjoyed hearing about your visit with the La Mia Boutique staff. I’m curious to see the dresses that will be in the Christmas edition! I’ve also always wanted to try lingerie. Cool.


  7. Well it looks like The Husband’s modelling career has stalled before it started ;-)..but I hope the LMB staff work on their styling. It’s very poor.
    It looks like you had a lovely time. I do love a good craft show.


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