Colette Peony

Colette Peony

Not even my broken serger stopped me from completing the Colette 2.0 challenge. Here is my wintery Peony! I really want to thank Ali for gifting me this beautiful pattern.

Fitting the bodice took some time. You can read all the details on the post I wrote on Sarah’s blog

Neanche la taglia e cuci rotta ha impedito che finissi la sfida Colette 2.0. Ecco il mio Peony! Voglio ringraziare Ali per avermi regalato questo bellissimo modello.

Il corpino ha richiesto molte modifiche…per leggere i dettagli potete leggere il post che ho scritto sul blog di Sarah.

Colette Peony

The fabric I chose was fraying just by looking at it…so I had to resort to contrasting bias binding on the seams where I couldn’t have French seams. I am starting to love those Hong Kong seams.

La stoffa che ho scelto si sfilacciava solo a guardarla…cosi’ ho dovuto usare dello sbieco sulle cuciture che non potevo rifinire all’inglese. Devo ammettere che questa tecnica mi piace sempre di piu’

bias binding

On my next Peony I will certainly take in the sleeves and lengthen the bodice by 1 inch.

Nel prossimo Peony stringero’ le maniche e dovro’ allungare di corpino di 2/3 cm.

Colette Peony

The part that still gives me headaches is the sleeve fitting…it seems that I need extra fabric at the back.

Since I stubbornly want to fix this issue I am attending a sewing workshop in Milan in two weeks where hopefully the instructor will help me fix this issue!

If you want to see what other ladies have been making…go and have a look at Flickr group

Have a great relaxing weekend! See you soon.

Le maniche e la spalla posteriore continuano a farmi innervosire…sembra che abbia bisogno di aggiungere stoffa sull’incavo.

E visto che ormai risolvere questo problema e’ diventata un’ossessione…tra 2 settimane seguiro’ un corso di sartoria a Milano. Spero che l’insegnante mi aiuti a risolvere il problema.

Se volete vedere cosa hanno creato le altre partecipanti alla sfida…date un occhiata al gruppo su Flickr

Vi auguro un rilassante weekend! A presto.

3 thoughts on “Colette Peony

  1. Silvia, it looks great! I love the fabric you chose, and the fact that the inside looks as pretty as the outside even without a serger (by the way, have they even looked at it for fixing yet?). Also, that is great that you will be taking a workshop in Milano – have fun with it!


  2. This is so beautiful. The bodice fit is spectacular. I hope the course is really interesting. Sleeve fitting is my least favourite sewing activity!


  3. Good grief, that dress is gorgeous, looks fabulous on you. I would love to get a dress to fit me like that. That’s the first time I’ve seen Peony and thought…”wow!”


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