Ambitious weekend projects – Progetti ambiziosi per il weekend

These were my ambitious sewing plans for the weekend:

I progetti per questo fine settimana di cucito erano ambiziosi:

  • Start making a bag
  • Test a pattern for a shrug for Karin at Ancien Nouveau
  • Make a summer shirt during my sewing class
  • Start the Easy swing skirt for my mom

  • Cominciare una borsa
  • Testare il modello per un bolero di Karin, Ancien Nouveau
  • Fare una camicia al corso di cucito
  • Comiciare la gonna Easy swing per la mamma

Indeed I was way too optimistic considering the weekend is only 2 days and there’s life to live too :0)

Effettivamente sono stata troppo ottimista visto che ci sono solo due giorni e bisogna anche vivere la vita :o)

So, here is what I did in the end…Oops

Ecco quello che ho fatto davveroOops

  • I drafted, lined up the fabric and cut the shirt. Boy matching that fabric was a lengthy process… despite the superb tutorial from Tasia. BTW, you can see the fabric above
  • I cut out the bag exterior
  • I bought some bright yellow Miss Sixty fabric for a mere 4$
  • And I pre-ordered Tasia’s new pattern, The Londsdale Dress…she is having a free-shipping offer until July 4 I couldn’t resist, normally shipping from Canada doubles the pattern price.

  • Ho fatto il modello, allineato la stoffa, e tagliato la camicia. Ci ho messo tantissimo ad allineare il disegno della stoffa nonostante avessi letto le fantastiche spiegazioni di Tasia
  • Ho tagliato la parte esterna della borsa
  • Ho comprato della stoffa gialla firmata Miss Sixty a soli 3 euro
  • E ho ordinato l’ultimo modello di Tasia, il Londsdale Dress… fino al 4 luglio ha un’offerta e le spese di spedizione sono comprese nel prezzo…non ho potuto resistere visto che di solito le spese di spedizione fanno raddoppiare il costo del modello.

Does it happen to you too to derail so much from your sewing plans or be over-ambitious? I really need to learn how to plan better…

Succede anche a voi di deviare cosi’ tanto e di essere troppo ambiziose? Devo assolutamente imparare a pianificare meglio…

2 thoughts on “Ambitious weekend projects – Progetti ambiziosi per il weekend

  1. I hear you on the derailment of overambitious sewing plans – especially in summer time when it’s so nice out. But I also find that (being a compulsive list maker), I enjoy the planning process and if I don’t make a list, I actually don’t get anything done. For me it’s better to have an enormous list and get to only one item than to have no list at all and get nothing done! And isn’t the Lonsdale dress just so nice? I’ve also pre-ordered a pattern for myself.


  2. I’m waaaay over-ambitious. I’m already looking at my SESA sewing queue and thinking, what was I thinking? Of course, that’s because I’m always wrestling with the desire to plan and be practical with sewing whatever is my newest obsession (and derails me!), but I’m glad I made the sew-along so flexible because I’m going to try and find that balance, things I know I’ll love and use overall with things I want NOW. Definitely sewing that green knit dress 🙂

    Can’t wait to see your shirt, and that dress is AMAZING! I’ve been meaning to tell Tasia that, but it’s just so well-designed.


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